I've upgraded to 6 gb of ram from an original of 3gb. Regardless if Vista
(32) bit will display this on the OS properties page or not does this improve
my systems performance ? Is my system using this additional RAM or is it just
idle ?
I did that systems check for optimal performance and the score was 5.0. No I
am not computer savy that I'm sure that is obvious. Is there a fix to work
around where the OS will display the actual memory available ?
Sorry if I'm redundant not meaning to be. Please forward a fix and or
replies to (e-mail address removed) if you would thank you ;-) Oh btw I have
no idea how I signed into this Windows Live Care, luck I'd imagine, I've got
enough other mail accounts to drive me crazy, but use the main one for AOL.
(32) bit will display this on the OS properties page or not does this improve
my systems performance ? Is my system using this additional RAM or is it just
idle ?
I did that systems check for optimal performance and the score was 5.0. No I
am not computer savy that I'm sure that is obvious. Is there a fix to work
around where the OS will display the actual memory available ?
Sorry if I'm redundant not meaning to be. Please forward a fix and or
replies to (e-mail address removed) if you would thank you ;-) Oh btw I have
no idea how I signed into this Windows Live Care, luck I'd imagine, I've got
enough other mail accounts to drive me crazy, but use the main one for AOL.