Windows Vista Vista ... and UAC


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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If I see one more Blog, HowTo, ImageekIknowwhatImdoing on how to disable UAC, I'm gonna feckin scream .... AAAAGGGGHHHH :rolleyes:

OK, I was one of the first to post here, on my short trial with Beta Vista about how you is gonna get really peeved at the "pop-up" asking you for permissions to allow a program to run ... and it was quite comical ... but the truth is, DO NOT TURN UAC OF

If you run Vista and turn off UAC, you're an ID 10 T ... I'll spell that again, you are an idiot ... why ?

I bet you also screamed at MS for all the holes in Win98, WinME, Win2000, XP, IE6 and any I missed, for their lack of built-in security ... and when you install Vista, you go and disable UAC? ... ID 10 T

OK, while I agree it can be a little annoying at times, I have NO INTENTIONS of turning it off ... I will instead go ask that software vendor, when can I expect to see a Vista ready version. No, really, the "problem" is not Vista's.

Regulars here know I also use Linux, and I have also used a MAC's OSX, that's another make PC & not for when it's raining, and both these "different" operating system have exactly the same "kind" of UAC

Both these OSs have had this "protection" for some time ... I only scream at MS for not implementing it sooner.

I have had the opportunity to use Vista Beta & I now have Vista Home Premium ... and I can tell you the difference is quite outstanding to see very few instances where I need to escalate to Admin permission to run something.

As soon as Windows developers start writing their apps & programs to properly use UAC, most of these annoying messages will go away. Once again, it's the old attitude of "nothing good can come out of Redmond" or another excuse to bash MS ... Even when they get something right, you still can't give them credit.

I don't think any of these Web Sites that have posted a "how to" to disable UAC have any affiliations with Hackers, Virus, Trojan, Malware, Spyware & the Phishing fraternity what so ever ... or have they ? Are all the "posts & blogs" a front to get everybody to turn off their security so they then can conduct unhindered attacks ... hmmm, I may be wrong there. :)

Constructive responses most welcome ... everybody else can go take a long walk off a short pier. ;)

* Bet you lot never seen that one comming *