As usual they take your money and then they forget you exist. Roxio is one
of them. I send them an email about two weeks ago, asking whether Easy Media
Creator 7 will work with Win.Vista Business, but as usual they do not reply.
I was advised that Easy Media Creator 7.5 works with Win.Vista does anyone
know whether 7 will work?
Not well according to many user reports (which you can read online) at
both Amazon and at a large web store called Newegg, ditto for other
sources. Sadly Nero fairs litter better.
One in 4 reviewers rank it poor or very poor.
As I've said before I'm into SERIOUS professional level video editing
and related areas. Roxio is a exceedingly arrogant company that keep
producing junk. That opinion is shared by many. They do not care,
listen or respond to people once they purchase. My last experience
with them was with Easy CD DVD 5 something or other several years
back. Back then, still may be true, their "support" was through a old
fashioned email based mailing list. Worse, it was moderated and the
moderator had a nasty habit of either editing or rejecting outright
posts from people that brought up issues with their product and
version 5 was so buggy it was almost laughed off the shelves. Their
software often causes conflicts with similar software due to poor
driver designs. It also is bloatware since if you install the all
suite of package it is likely to even slow down fast PC's.
Nero doesn't fair much better. They're a German company, Roxio is in
the UK. Support is all by none existant from both.
There isn't that much to pick from other then shareware and a few
lessor known vendors. What do you wish to do, if I knew I may be able
to suggest something.