Ben ... good questions. First, the math. I am deficient in math, but I will
give it a go here.
I bought Windows Vista OEM Home Premium Full Version for roughly $160.00.
Found out it didn't have some stuff I really, really wanted, so I upgraded
through Anytime Upgrade to Windows Vista Ultimate Full Version, now with
Microsoft Support (thanks, MS), for roughly $180.00. Total outlay: $340.00.
I expect to get about 5 years out of Vista. That is, roughly, 364.25 x 5 =
1821.25 days. If I am doing this right, I should divide my $340.00 by
1821.25 days to get a cost per day: 18.668 pennies per day. With Microsoft
Support, the Knowledgebase, TechNet, Microsoft Discussion Newsgroups, ad
infinitum support all over the net, thrown in.
The problem is not that the price is too high ... it is that you have to
come up with all of it up front. 19 pennies a day is my projection. What a
fantastic bargain. IF I have done my calculations correctly.
Now, the first arguments that come to mind would be along the lines of all
the hardware upgrades, software upgrades, crash and problem aggravations,
patches, etc., and so forth. But I am having fun ... and all my toys cost me
money. All this goes with the territory ... if I could not work overtime, or
cut out trips to Logan's, Red Lobster, or cut back somewhere else ... then I
would just do without. I would LOVE to have PageMaker again ... had it on my
Macs back in the early 90's ... but I can't come up with $500 for _one_
program, so I make do with what I can get. Each economic level gets as much
as they can and then just makes a Wish List for the rest. C'est la vie.
Which brings up to the next point: piracy. This, in my humble little
opinion, is a function of culture and individual judgment and even the
individual judgment is based, in part, on culture, whether it be the roots
of upbringing or popular media or peer pressure. I am an old girl ... I
remember the 50's ... back in the culture of my day and the geographical
area where I grew up ... it was absolutely unthinkable to be a thief. My Dad
and my Mother would have disowned me. I have a strong cultural imperative
hardwired in me NOT to take so much as a dime off the top of a change
machine at the laundromat. The further step of individual judgment is that I
decided, for myself, after reaching majority, that this was the right way to
be foundationally. Caveat: if a natural disaster has occurred and I haven't
eaten in three days, am I going to snatch that loaf of bread? You betchee. I
will feel guilty and ask for forgiveness as I wolf it down.
Not so in many cultures, even in my geographical area. I know people who
think I am a stupid fool for not getting over when the opportunity arises. I
am not sophisticated. (I say, good; I looked up sophistry long ago.)
If a person believes that getting over is good judgment, they will steal.
They will justify their actions with all manner of rationalizations. My
favorite that used to make me muddleheaded was 'well, _everybody_ is doing
it.' It _must_ be OK, then, right? I decided to stick to my roots. No ... it
is NOT alright. This is a function of my culture and my individual judgment.
It has nothing to do with price.
Now, I will wait to get my head bitten off in thirty parts ... (g) ...
thanks for asking ... vanilla ...
Ben said:
Hello all, 3rd year student from UWE needing your views...
Not so much a question, more of a request for a few comments about a
particular area. I would like other Vista users to express their views on
the piracy of the new operating system. I am writing a dissertation on
Microsoft's efforts at reducing piracy. Cracks seem to already be appearing
all over the internet for Vista, some supposedly work. I'm a genuine vista
user myself, and think it's great.
Do you think vistas high prices force piracy? or maybe other reasons? Any
comments are much appreciated.
Thankyou for your time,
Ben Forrister
University of the West of England,
Bristol, UK