Windows Vista Vista a dead duck !!!!!!

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Sep 30, 2005
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I'm not attempting to defend Vista but articles such as the first one you linked to really annoy me.

The only fact in that whole story is that the Mac's share of the market grew from 9% to 14% over a certain period and that fact from only one survey. And surveys are not infallible.

The rest of that so called 'news' story is conjecture, the author's own point of view and and his opinion presented as fact.

It's a style of writing akin to the Sun, Daily Mail and just about any American TV News station, where a message is rammed across regardless of the true facts.

It really is just as despicable as Creative's handling of that fella who wrote some good drivers for Creative for Vista.

As for the second link, it's style of presentation is so annoying I couldn't stand to read more than the first two paragraphs - how can you watch that tosh?

I personally wish Linux would topple Microsoft but in my opinion it won't as long as Linux is largely dependent (at some instances anyway) of relying on command line instructions and lots of hardware manufacturers and games writers don't support Linux.

I'm writing this as somebody who's desperately wanting to like Vista but day by day gradually failing.

At the moment I'm kinda 75% for and 25% against. Which isn't good enough.

I think Vista may turn into another ME, we shall see.

Like I said, not a defence of Vista per se but an abhorence of irresponsible journalism.

And also a dislike of those who can only sneer and mock without actually trying it themselves ;)

I have the write to criticise as I've splashed out seventy quid and have used this thing for three months now.

For what it's worth, I think Vista will be going to my Media PC - which will make it a rather fancied up Windows Media Centre - and XP will be going back on my main machine.

As for 'Windows 7' I shall reserve judgement, not purchase initially and probably use XP for as long as is possible.
Ah ah . I'm only playing devils advocate . An yes I have not purchased Vista , mainly because I'm too poor to spend an entire weeks income on a os when I already have XP Pro , an also because I'm not dumb enough to buy a product that from day one has been plagued by bugs and faults .

Vista its about as good as the new terminal at Heathrow . looks flash costs an arm an a leg and performs worse than a dead dog .

An I just remembered one more reason why I did not want or need to buy a dead duck,

The following is taken from here,

[font=Arial,Helvetica]Moving right along, while installing the operating systems, I ran into a complete failure of an operating system to recognize an integral component of the system. The naughty operating system? Vista.

Yes, I know you've been taught to think that Windows runs everything, and that Linux is the one with hardware driver problems. Well, yes, Linux does have some shortcomings with drivers thanks to proprietary drivers, but Vista has its troubles, too.

Vista's problem child surprised me though: it was the audio. I can't recall the last time any operating system I worked with had trouble working with a motherboard's onboard audio. While Vista had no trouble finding and activating the Intel High Definition audio chip (aka Azalia), what it couldn't work with at all was the common-as-dirt RealTek ALC 882 audio chipset.

The result was that while Vista could push Dolby 5-1 media audio to my media speakers, it actually couldn't use my plain-old vanilla speakers. I checked into this further, and quickly discovered that I was far from the first person to run into this problem. At this time, there also doesn't appear to be a solution.

[/font][font=Arial,Helvetica]MEPIS, on the other hand, immediately recognized and put all the system's audio to work. At this very moment, I'm listening to the Dropkick Murphys' Boston-branded Celtic-Punk off the system using my favorite Linux music player, Banshee.

[/font][font=Arial,Helvetica]Not long after my musical interlude, I switched back to Vista... and found that Vista has other audio problems.

My test system's high-end audio outputs are S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format) compliant. S/PDIF is probably the most common high-end audio port around for PCs today. It also has no built-in DRM (digital rights management) capability, and that turned out to be an important matter.

When I switched back to Vista, I tried to play Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot CD. Whoops! Not a single sound emerged from my speakers. After a little investigation, I found that Vista disables media outputs that don't incorporate DRM, when you try to play DRM protected media through them.

[/font][font=Arial,Helvetica]My test system's high-end S/PDIF audio port lacks built-in DRM. Without that functionality, Vista won't play music through the PC's speakers with Windows Media Player 11. MEPIS, on the other hand, has no trouble playing online music. In this case, I'm using Streamtuner.
(Click to enlarge)
That was a kick in the head. I have a fully legal CD in my hand. Any other version of Windows will play it, Linux will play it, Mac OS will play it, and my CD player will play it, but if you're using S/PDIF for your computer-driven audio and Vista, you're out of luck. If you have a card with a Toslink optical digital audio port, you will be able to play it.

One of the ironies of the situation was that this very album had been first released on the Web without any DRM, in part as a protest against DRM. Ah well, that was yesterday.

There's a very detailed report on just how Vista goes wrong with DRM, which I recommend to you. I'll just content myself by saying an operating system -- any operating system -- is not the place for DRM.


Abarbarian said:
Ah ah . I'm only playing devils advocate . An yes I have not purchased Vista , mainly because I'm too poor to spend an entire weeks income on a os when I already have XP Pro , an also because I'm not dumb enough to buy a product that from day one has been plagued by bugs and faults .

So was Xp if you remember correctly.

The difference is, I have to admit, they sorted out XP's problems pretty quickly.

Vista its about as good as the new terminal at Heathrow . looks flash costs an arm an a leg and performs worse than a dead dog .


It doesn't cost an arm and a leg, that is total ********.

Vista Home Premium typically costs about £70.00 whereas you can't pick up XP Pro for less than £90.00 even now.

(and if I'm wrong, my apologies, before anyone posts links, but those are the prices at at least six suppliers that I know of)

It does look flash, I'll agree. And that is it's attraction.

Those who haven't tried it don't really know how it looks on their system, they're dependent on screen shots.

It is fast.

It has lots of little improvements over XP that go largely unreported, such is the cynicism level out there.

It is actually a joy to use, much nicer than XP.

And on the down side:

It's crap for games.

It has issues with some hardware.

Like I said, I ain't gonna defend Vista, I will just tell it like it is.

I will never blindly slag something off without first trying it.

I have tried Vista, it has faults but it's not as bad as those who haven't tried it would paint.

In fact I'm using the bloody thing right now :lol:

To sneer and put down something without complete justification is wrong.

To stand back and laugh is smug.

To constructively criticise, in my opinion, is fair game.
I missed that last post before my last one.

Ok, you wanna cut and paste competition?

You'll notice I haven't quoted anybody else, I'm reporting purely on my own experience.

I refer back to your original links where some totally falsified crap was spouted.

You're still doing it.

I could do that.

But I won't.

Look, I am not some Microsoft fanboy, I want Linux to topple Bill Gates.

But unlike others, I stay neutral and tell things like they are, or at least how I see them.

I do not lift quotes and take delight in putting things down.

Ah, maybe that's just me.
Cutting and pasting can be so much fun . Here is a snippet or two from this UK Newspaper .

A spokesman for Microsoft said there were no serious problems with Vista.
Gosh it must be true.

McDonald's fast food chain produces the world's best selling hamburger. However, it is far from the best hamburger.

As long as consumers and businesses continue to pay Microsoft for their inferior products, Microsoft will continue to ship incomplete inferior products. They will also continue to take the money freely offered to them.

This week, the BBC’s business editor Robert Peston launched an attack on his BBC blog. In an open letter to Bill Gates, the head of Microsoft, Mr Peston said his Vista experience had gone "from bad to worse". After being told by a Microsoft engineer that his pocket PC would never be compatible with Vista, he learnt it was impossible to transfer files from his digital voice recorder to his computer. He also discovered that his copy of Microsoft Outlook software was not fully compatible with Vista and no longer remembers passwords.

"To put it in personal terms, the £650 I spent to replace a dead laptop may lead me to spend a further £400 or so just so I can continue to do with my laptop what I expect to be able to do with it," he said. Mr Peston’s experiences with Vista are far from unique.

An if the os is so good why do Microsoft let buyers Downgrade for free ??

"Vista its about as good as the new terminal at Heathrow . looks flash costs an arm an a leg and performs worse than a dead dog . "

My quote here should have read ""cost"" as in how many years and man hours and dollars did it cost to develop
An I do not want Linux or anyone else to topple Bill Gates or Microsoft .

I simply want very large and powerful companies to behave in a decent and honourable fashion . I want them to produce a decent product that does what is says on the tin . I realise that is asking too much .

So how did Vista cost Robert Preston £600.00 and then £400.00 to change?

Ok, a laptop may cost £600.00 but a copy of XP is only around £90.00. Is this fella too stupid to format and install?

I am not sticking up for Vista and I will not be drawn into that argument.

What I despise is irresponsible journalism, which in my opinion you linked to to justify your attack on Vista.

As far as MacDonalds is concerned they're probably the best reason I know of to go Vegetarian, I really am not fond of MacDonalds.

On a lot of issues, I'm not arguing with you - how come XP lasted seven years and people were for the most part happy with it?

I think Vista is flawed.

I will probably not use Vista as my main OS.

Is this getting through to you - I really don't think much of Vista.

I think even less of people being smug, sneering, getting off on putting something down and linking to cheap journalism to get their jollies.

I am giving Vista a chance. Which is more than a lot of the haters have done.

Read all that I said - I am not a Vista supporter but I do support fair play.
Meh, i dont have a reason to switch to vista.
unless of course my new build works better with Vista... but i dont belive it to be so :)
I think even less of people being smug, sneering, getting off on putting something down and linking to cheap journalism to get their jollies.
One reason I ain't bothered to post in this thread ... I refuse to be led by Trolls.

Abarbarian, take it to another forum, don't Troll here.

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