Ghost said:
I bought a HP laptop with Vista 64 so are there any issues with Vista 64 I
should know about?
Not issues, but Vista 64 differences that have resulted in
questions. They may be obvious to you, but here they are.
You will see these directories:
Program Files - 64 bit program files
Program Files (x86) - 32 bit program files
System32 - 64 bit system files
SysWOW64 - 32 bit system files
Also, there are two Internet Explorers, 32 and 64 bit. The default
is 32 bit. Note that there are presently no 64 bit Java or Flash
plug-ins for 64 bit IE. On the Sun Java site you may see 64 bit
Java, but that's for the Java language, not the IE plug-in.