TS Mathews
Over time, I didn't pay a lot of attention to the notices about 64 bit Vista
as I was using 32 bit. I've just ordered a new system and suddenly it hit
me that it's got the 64 bit version installed. I've just checked the last
few days of posts here and haven't seen anything terribly worrisome but I
would like a tutorial if possible. I'm assuming my Office 2007 won't be
affected but, not seeing a specific newsgroup for the 64 bit version, I'm
wondering about other programs or is it as simple as when I start installing
things, I'll get a prompt if there's some sort of problem?
as I was using 32 bit. I've just ordered a new system and suddenly it hit
me that it's got the 64 bit version installed. I've just checked the last
few days of posts here and haven't seen anything terribly worrisome but I
would like a tutorial if possible. I'm assuming my Office 2007 won't be
affected but, not seeing a specific newsgroup for the 64 bit version, I'm
wondering about other programs or is it as simple as when I start installing
things, I'll get a prompt if there's some sort of problem?