It is absolutely asinine for Microsoft to expect people to buy software then
have to pay to have it delivered! Who thought this up! Which corporate head
minion thought that customers wouldn't be outraged by this!
Actually, it's really no surprise. Microsoft has always been arrogant about
their superior position and it's not the first time they did something to
anger their users or customers. This time, though, it seems like they'be
taken the cake. They should get the award for the most uncustomer focused
company out there.
Those Mac adds are turning heads...don't help push people away by such
asinine policies. Policies that I'm sure could warrent a class action law
have to pay to have it delivered! Who thought this up! Which corporate head
minion thought that customers wouldn't be outraged by this!
Actually, it's really no surprise. Microsoft has always been arrogant about
their superior position and it's not the first time they did something to
anger their users or customers. This time, though, it seems like they'be
taken the cake. They should get the award for the most uncustomer focused
company out there.
Those Mac adds are turning heads...don't help push people away by such
asinine policies. Policies that I'm sure could warrent a class action law