Vista 5472 Character Map stops working?!?

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I've installed 5472 three times, from a DVD that was burnt at 1x speed. After
each install, the system tool Character Map will not run. I keep receiving
the error;
Character Map has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution for
this problem.

Jeeze! I thought that this was a relatively simple app. Can anyone else get
this accessory to run corectly in 5472? I had no issues with Character Map in
the previous builds.
bart_1851 said:
I've installed 5472 three times, from a DVD that was burnt at 1x speed.
each install, the system tool Character Map will not run. I keep receiving
the error;
Character Map has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution for
this problem.

Jeeze! I thought that this was a relatively simple app. Can anyone else
this accessory to run corectly in 5472? I had no issues with Character Map
the previous builds.

Same here. Bug it so I can vote on it.

I bet all you have to do to run it is to either type charmap.exe in the run box or go to where it hangs out in its hood at C:\(or wherever you have Vista installed)\Windows System 32>right click it and >left click run as admin. I think the steps below will fix it.

This should fix it--I call this move a "quicky SFC." AFIK Vista teams in charge (core file systems and others) haven't fixed SFC yet very well in Vista. Many switches can't run 2 builds post the one (Beta 2) turned loose on the public 5472 with an August CTP in the wings after a sufficient course of Cafe "Mommy can we have one yets".

So a quick sfc should work fine. If SFC /scannow can work on your box from run, I'd sure do that,but it probably won't. You can run sfc /? up the command box flag poll and see if it says it will run on your box and give it a shot. But the "quicky sfc" should work well. When you know the target file or .dll that you need to fix--like charmap.exe do this:

Go to C:\ (or the drive)\Windows\System32\charmap>simply right click copy it to desktop. . In order to copy it, you don't even need to take ownership, but you do have to right click it and click run as admin first or you will get the prompt that you don't have permission to copy. After you do that you'll be able to right click copy charmap to desktop from System 32. Just copying it to the desktop should fix it.

Good luck--let me know,

Running charmap.exe as admin does not resolve the issue.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -


I bet all you have to do to run it is to either type charmap.exe in the run
box or go to where it hangs out in its hood at C:\(or wherever you have
Vista installed)\Windows System 32>right click it and >left click run as
admin. I think the steps below will fix it.

This should fix it--I call this move a "quicky SFC." AFIK Vista teams in
charge (core file systems and others) haven't fixed SFC yet very well in
Vista. Many switches can't run 2 builds post the one (Beta 2) turned loose
on the public 5472 with an August CTP in the wings after a sufficient course
of Cafe "Mommy can we have one yets".

So a quick sfc should work fine. If SFC /scannow can work on your box from
run, I'd sure do that,but it probably won't. You can run sfc /? up the
command box flag poll and see if it says it will run on your box and give it
a shot. But the "quicky sfc" should work well. When you know the target
file or .dll that you need to fix--like charmap.exe do this:

Go to C:\ (or the drive)\Windows\System32\charmap>simply right click copy it
to desktop. . In order to copy it, you don't even need to take ownership,
but you do have to right click it and click run as admin first or you will
get the prompt that you don't have permission to copy. After you do that
you'll be able to right click copy charmap to desktop from System 32.
Just copying it to the desktop should fix it.

Good luck--let me know,

If you're having this problem, Rick, did you try running SFC--can you run any meaningful SFC switches that actually fix it besides a /verifyonly or verifynow switch and if not, try the Quicky SFC by fright click dragging a target file, app, or folder out of either DLLCache or System 32 itself--and charmap is of course in System 32. It usually works for me. At any rate in order to right click copy charmap from System 32 you have to right click it and click run as elevated--or take permission. This should work.

"Fright clicking" is easily as good as "right clicking." I think that's what people do when they aren't sure what will happen next.

If you're having this problem, Rick, did you try running SFC--can you run any meaningful SFC switches that actually fix it besides a /verifyonly or verifynow switch and if not, try the Quicky SFC by fright click dragging a target file, app, or folder out of either DLLCache or System 32 itself--and charmap is of course in System 32. It usually works for me. At any rate in order to right click copy charmap from System 32 you have to right click it and click run as elevated--or take permission. This should work.

Neither charmap.exe in the run box, or run as admin gets Character Map
to work.

SFC /scannow doesn't fix the problem.

And copying to the desktop doesn't fix it either.
Thanks for attempting to assist though!
