Visited link color

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In Irv had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
Can someone tell me how you can make IE visited links change color ?

That is defined by your settings (IE, tools, options, first tab) or the
site's author. Your settings over-ride the author's for defining the a:
value (link colors for highlight, visited, and mouse-over.) so if you want
them to all look the same then you can set it in your browser.

Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)

"At present I am, as you know, fairly busy, but I propose to devote my
declining years to the composition of a textbook which shall focus the
whole art of detection into one volume." - Sherlock Holmes
I am referring to a visited link in IE. "That is defined by your settings
(IE, tools, options, first tab)" and then "colors". No matter how I change
the settings nothing happens. The text color is blue, when I click on it it
gets red, and after visit turns purple. Why doesn't it change as set?
Irv said:
I am referring to a visited link in IE. "That is defined by your settings
(IE, tools, options, first tab)" and then "colors". No matter how I change
the settings nothing happens. The text color is blue, when I click on it it
gets red, and after visit turns purple. Why doesn't it change as set?


You have not said which website has the problem you describe, but I
think it likely that the colours you specify become the default IE
colours, and can be overridden by the website.

Try Tools, Internet Options, Accessibility, and check the box saying to
ignore the colours set by the website. See if this makes a difference.
C A Upsdell" <""cupsdell"@nospam@upsdel said:

You have not said which website has the problem you describe, but I
think it likely that the colours you specify become the default IE
colours, and can be overridden by the website.

Try Tools, Internet Options, Accessibility, and check the box saying to
ignore the colours set by the website. See if this makes a difference.

I do not think I am making myself clear. I am referring to the Google Page.
When I open IE it opens to Google as I have it set that way. I go to do a
search and when the next page opens with the sites it found and I click on
one of them, view the page and go back to the previous page. That is when
the link color does not change to what I have it set to.
I do not think I am making myself clear. I am referring to the Google Page.
When I open IE it opens to Google as I have it set that way. I go to do a
search and when the next page opens with the sites it found and I click on
one of them, view the page and go back to the previous page. That is when
the link color does not change to what I have it set to.

Google uses CSS to specify the link colours. As I suggested earlier,
perhaps this overrides what IE is configured to do.
This sometimes indicates a damaged History folder.

First (easy way) Download and run Free History Eraser from It will delete the
History folder. A new one will be created.

If History Eraser doesn't fix this- assuming Windows XP...
Login as another user with administrator privileges, or from the machine's
default administrator account (startup in safe mode.) Make sure that you can
see hidden and system files (Folder Options> View) then delete the affected
History folder from Windows Explorer. It will be at [C:\Documents and
Settings\yourusername\Local Settings\History] Restart the computer.

315222 - A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP:

Hope this helps,
CA Upsdell Thank You. I changed the search engine from google to MSN. It
made no difference. Unvisited sites are blue and visited are purple.

Thanks. I did both things that you suggested and still the same. Nothing
seems to make them change.
I have the following under Tools, Internet Options, Colors......the colors
box is not checked. (it makes no difference if it is or is'nt) The Links
Box shows visited as being bright green and unvisited as being Orange. The
hoover box is yellow.
Thanks to all,

Don Varnau said:
This sometimes indicates a damaged History folder.

First (easy way) Download and run Free History Eraser from It will delete the
History folder. A new one will be created.

If History Eraser doesn't fix this- assuming Windows XP...
Login as another user with administrator privileges, or from the machine's
default administrator account (startup in safe mode.) Make sure that you can
see hidden and system files (Folder Options> View) then delete the affected
History folder from Windows Explorer. It will be at [C:\Documents and
Settings\yourusername\Local Settings\History] Restart the computer.

315222 - A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP:

Hope this helps,

Irv said:
Can someone tell me how you can make IE visited links change color ?