Lee said:
Anything to do with this:
Oh how I wish that I had seen this post earlier! When I had the problem
with the 4367 file I went to the McaFee site and noticed they were
offering the version 8 software free 3 & 4 users for free as part of
their class action lawsuit settlement (
Thinking that this was the reason for the 4367 files not working, I
downloaded and installed VirusSan version 8. I've now spent the last 3
days figuring out how to:
1. Edit the registry file to remove the spash screen at startup
To fix the security Center splash screen
Run regedit
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current
Version\Run Find the McAgentExe entry.
Change the command line to read
"c:\PROGRA~1\mcafee.com\agent\mcagent.exe /nosplash" (i.e. add
"/nosplash" on the end)
2. Disable the taskmanager and mcafee taskman process
C:/windows/tasks/ right click on MacAfee.com task process, click
properties, unclick "Enabled".
3. Uninstall all previous version 4 info & registry data
4. Disable mcupdate.exe so that this POS doesn't keep trying to call
home: rename mcupdate.exe to mcupdate.old, open a new notepad file and
save as mcupate.exe in the same directory)
5. Disable most of the bloatware "features" in version 8. Note:
disabling autoupdate doesn't stop the mcupdate.exe file from attempting
to call home -- even with the autoupdate turned off in the security
center, and with the taskscheduler turned off, the program was trying to
call home every 10 minutes and according to my firewall logs would try
upto 148 times before waiting again to try in another 10 minutes.
I attempted to got to the McaFee support page
http://www.mcafeehelp.com) and could never get the page to come up
(Netscape 7.1). The page just keeps cycling between that URL and
When I wrote back to the (e-mail address removed), the ones that sent me
the password & username for version 8, and told them that I couldn't get
to the page in order to get the support email address, they told me to
contact my ISP instead!
I've kept the version 4 on my laptop and will now try the sdat32xx.exe
file (it's 4370 today) and see if that works ok. If it does I plan to
unintstall the version 8 POS bloatware and continue to use version 4.
Next step will be to test alternate AV's and eliminate McaFee once and
for all... & no, Norton is not an option either.