P.A. The D.J. said:
Hey, I have a "Trojan Horse Virus. It's called "downloader.small. There is
another one called harnig.C. They are both Trojan Horse Viruses. Does
anybody in here think they can help me? I hope you get in touch with me. I
am going crazy here trying to go to some websites. Thank You
To get all the latest virus, spy.malware, Trojans and other scumware, you
might try here as well:
Select the Virus & Antivirus
Select the Parasites - Adware - Spyware and other scumware section:
It is one stop site hosted by MS MVP's and VSOP experts and covers all
aspects of the above. You can find most anything and everything you want to
know about for all the above, and how to protect against and/or remove them.
You can join for free, or just go as a Guest. It saves time having to search
the web trying to find things in a timely manner. There are also notices of
current and new updates for all the various Anti - Virus, Parasite, Spy and
Malware programs as soon as they become available.