


HELP! I have been hit with the Blaster Worm virus as well
as something called Welche Worm and Nache Worm. I have
Norton Antivirus protection but it didn't prevent me from
getting these viruses.Also, I have tried numerous times
to download all the critical updates from Microsoft, but
it will not let me.I keep getting a messaage
saying "failed to install". How do I go about fixing
this? I need to download that patch to get rid of the
Blaster Worm virus, but I am not able to! My memory is
slowly being eaten away and I have very little left. HELP!


You are most likely infected with the Blaster worm virus.

To stop the rebooting/shutdowns, right click on the task bar, choose task
manager, processes tab, look for msblast.exe. Highlight it and click end
process. Then turn on the xp firewall.

To turn on the firewall: control panel, network and internet connections,
network connections, right click your connection, properties, advanced tab,
check the protect my computer box. Do this as quickly as you can once the
desktop comes up. Then visit the sites below for the removal and patch info.

Symantec: removal info and removal tool

Network associates: removal instructions

Also make sure to follow the links to the Microsoft pages for the patch or
visit windows update for the patch after you remove it.

Danny Mingledorff

Have you tried doing a Live Update of your Norton AntiVirus? Norton also
has a removal tool for these critters, which can be found at Other options are to do a Google search of this group for
"blaster", and you'll find all sorts of advice as to how to configure your
system in order to download the patches and remove the infestation.

Good luck.


Your lack of a Firewall was how you got Blaster

purplehaz said:
You are most likely infected with the Blaster worm virus.

To stop the rebooting/shutdowns, right click on the task bar, choose task
manager, processes tab, look for msblast.exe. Highlight it and click end
process. Then turn on the xp firewall.

To turn on the firewall: control panel, network and internet connections,
network connections, right click your connection, properties, advanced tab,
check the protect my computer box. Do this as quickly as you can once the
desktop comes up. Then visit the sites below for the removal and patch info.

Symantec: removal info and removal tool

Network associates: removal instructions

Also make sure to follow the links to the Microsoft pages for the patch or
visit windows update for the patch after you remove it.

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