Viruses and infected files



I have over 65 different infected files on my computer.
About 55 of those files are in a folder in the C Drive
called System Volume information. According to the
Symantec online virus scan that all 55 of these files
suffer from the same virus, Trojan.KillAV. I would have
no problem deleting the infected files but I cannot find
the folder. I have talked to many friends and nobody
seems to have ever heard of System Volume Information.
Since I am the administrator, I'm pretty sure it's not a
hidden folder. I would appreciate anyone responding to
this message who is quite skilled in dealing with
viruses. I have no idea to deal with this problem and
some of the other infected files affecting my computer
that refuse to be deleted. I'd appreciate any help
anyone would have to offer. Thanks

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

It is a hidden folder but unhiding it in Explorer\Tools\Folder
Options\Advanced won't solve the problem as this folder cannot be deleted.
This is the file store for System Restore, you need to turn System Restore
off, reboot then turn it back on. Open Control Panel, open System, go to
the System Restore tab, place a check next to turn off System Restore on all
drives, click apply and ok. Reboot, turn it back on and reboot again.

NOTE: this will delete all restore points up to this point but this should
not be an issue since those restore points are now useless to you anyway.

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