This bug is caused by a file called wp.exe that was sent
out in spam that looked like it came from SmithBarney. Run
and you will see him down in the O4 entries.
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [WindowsFY] C:\wp.exe
Terminate the process . You can use HijackThis, Config,
Misc Tools, Open Process Manager, find and highlight the
C:\wp.exe and Kill Process then Back and Scan and then
check his box and Fix Checked. That still leaves a problem
in your registry.
Start, Run, regedit, OK to bring up the regedit program.
find HKey_Current_User->Software ->Microsoft->Windows-
CurrentVersion>policies (Hit the + sign in front of each
Key as you find them. That will open up the subkeys.)
Under Policies is usually an entry named System. If you
find it highlight it and press the Delete key. Then OK.
Close the program and reboot.
Start, Control Panel, Display (Properties). This should
bring up Display Properties/Background. Change the
wallpaper to something else and Apply. You may also need
to select Web and uncheck the box where it says View My
Active Desktop as a web page. OK
He also creates a file C:\wp.bmp which is what you see on
your desktop. Don't get rid of it until you have done all
of the above.