
  • Thread starter Thread starter faizi
  • Start date Start date


Dear sirs,

can you advise me on what to do because whenever i
download some data or files from website, and it takes a
long time , 2 hours for example, an error log
shows "svchost.exe cannot run program. you have to restart
to run this program" ...(something like this). i suppose
this was caused by blaster virus which my anti-virus
unable to clean it up.
Please help me.

your reply very musch appreciated.

Get onto the web site for your virus program and follow the
instructions for removal of the virus.

Microsoft does NOT have a virus removal toll !

They do produce a patch that will fix the vulnerability that the Lovesan/Blaster worm
exploits. A removal tool can be obtained from McAfee at URL:


| Hi Faizi
| U can get ms blaster removal tool at, u
| can apply it on ur server.
| JV
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Get onto the web site for your virus program and follow
| the
| >instructions for removal of the virus.
| >
| >
| >| >> Dear sirs,
| >>
| >> can you advise me on what to do because whenever i
| >> download some data or files from website, and it takes a
| >> long time , 2 hours for example, an error log
| >> shows "svchost.exe cannot run program. you have to
| restart
| >> to run this program" ...(something like this). i suppose
| >> this was caused by blaster virus which my anti-virus
| >> unable to clean it up.
| >> Please help me.
| >>
| >> your reply very musch appreciated.
| >>
| >> faizi
| >>
| >
| >
| >.
| >