virus vs antivirus



hi,my antivirus scan virus in my pc such as trojan,adware gator,ezula,bde,binet,cydoor,dialer rapidbla.i try to delete but delete failed,also stated acces denied,repair failed.for your i using norton antivirus,i also try with spy ware blaster,spy boot search-destroy,ad-aware but nothing can keep my pc clean from virus.anybody pls help me.


What it sounds like is that you subscription to your virus scan has run out
and you do not have the latest downloads.
Your virus protection that comes with your computer has to be renewed when
it expires in order to stay up to date.
Here is a free virus scan to check your system, this is just a scan and does
not offer protection.

Hope This Helps
Not a MS-MVP
Not a MVP
Not nothing, just a good ole boy.

David Nimon

Somebody who can't spell is criticizing others!!!


(hint to name-of-the-day: "you are' is NOT 'your' when one uses the
contracted form)

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

David, it would appear he used the proper form as "your" being the
possessive form of you as in "Please try to improve "your" punctuation."

Sharon F

nothing can keep my pc clean from virus

Haus has recommended that you check on your subscription to Norton. You
also need to update the program on a regular basis. The updates add
protection for the newly discovered viruses. Without these your system is
more vulnerable.

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