Last night my computer was working fine. Today I turned it on and the
monitor is all screwed up. The "Pincusion" is squeezed in on the sides and
the Horizontal Size is pulled in so that the display is only 2/3 of the
original size. I ran Norton Anti Virus (current definitions) and it says I'm
clean. I've also got the router firewall up, Norton Worm protection on,
Spyware Blaster and Adaware on. The last thing I was doing was searching for
information on snakes on the internet (helping my son with a research paper).
A couple of sites were a little strange and seemed to load funny but I
didn't think anything of it at the time.
If anyone has any ideas of what caused this problem with my monitor and how
to fix it, I would be VERY grateful. Thank you.
monitor is all screwed up. The "Pincusion" is squeezed in on the sides and
the Horizontal Size is pulled in so that the display is only 2/3 of the
original size. I ran Norton Anti Virus (current definitions) and it says I'm
clean. I've also got the router firewall up, Norton Worm protection on,
Spyware Blaster and Adaware on. The last thing I was doing was searching for
information on snakes on the internet (helping my son with a research paper).
A couple of sites were a little strange and seemed to load funny but I
didn't think anything of it at the time.
If anyone has any ideas of what caused this problem with my monitor and how
to fix it, I would be VERY grateful. Thank you.