Recently, the Backdoor.Trojan virus popped its head into our network. I
restarted all the machines in safe mode and ran our anti-virus programs and
it appeared as though it got them (even on the machines that didn't pop up
with a virus alert).
When I spoke with the Symantec technician, he said it probably got through
the network via our network shares. He suggested that it may have broken
through our simple passwords onto each machine. I have W2K SP4 workstations
that are up-to-date on their critical updates. Can the virus still run
through with permissions like Domain Admins having full rights and Domain
Users having R/W rights?
restarted all the machines in safe mode and ran our anti-virus programs and
it appeared as though it got them (even on the machines that didn't pop up
with a virus alert).
When I spoke with the Symantec technician, he said it probably got through
the network via our network shares. He suggested that it may have broken
through our simple passwords onto each machine. I have W2K SP4 workstations
that are up-to-date on their critical updates. Can the virus still run
through with permissions like Domain Admins having full rights and Domain
Users having R/W rights?