P PCB Sep 2, 2003 #1 Help. I need to know how to turn off my virus protection while I install a new program. How do I perform this task?
Help. I need to know how to turn off my virus protection while I install a new program. How do I perform this task?
A Alvin A Brown Sep 2, 2003 #2 Hello Depending on which software that you use, go into the help section and read how to turn it off, both Mcafee and Norton's has a help menu that you can lookup Al
Hello Depending on which software that you use, go into the help section and read how to turn it off, both Mcafee and Norton's has a help menu that you can lookup Al
V Vincent Sep 2, 2003 #3 To disable virus protection, close out the program in your system tray and open it again when you are done installing.
To disable virus protection, close out the program in your system tray and open it again when you are done installing.