Hilbert A.
Using XP SP1
When I connect to the Internet there is an activity sending data from my
computer to an unknown location even before I connect to any place.
I found that this program is loaded:
After killing it's proccess, the unrequested activity stops.
In the command prompt
dir C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSlti32.exe
says that there is no such file
What is this MSlti32.exe? Is it a Microsoft file?
I didn't install any additional software besides that one that comes
with the computer and the dot net 2003.
How can I find the real name of this program and locate it?
If it is a virus, will I be able to know it's IP source?
Thanks in advance
When I connect to the Internet there is an activity sending data from my
computer to an unknown location even before I connect to any place.
I found that this program is loaded:
After killing it's proccess, the unrequested activity stops.
In the command prompt
dir C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSlti32.exe
says that there is no such file
What is this MSlti32.exe? Is it a Microsoft file?
I didn't install any additional software besides that one that comes
with the computer and the dot net 2003.
How can I find the real name of this program and locate it?
If it is a virus, will I be able to know it's IP source?
Thanks in advance