From: "mm" <
[email protected]>
| Today I bumped into the guy who told my friend about the "virus in the
| BIOS" and I got the story first-hand.
| He thinks that some malware reflashed the BIOS. Have you ever heard
| of that?
| He thinks that it may have changed the BIOS to always call some
| trouble-making url. Is that conceivable?
| He did manage to get her computer working again, with all her old data
| too. He took her computer to his house and kept it 7 or 10 days.
| So if the BIOS is bad because of the earlier malware, how come the
| computer is working.
| He also installed a second harddrive, and disconnected the first one,
| I guess because he thinks there are files he didn't actually copy over
| to the new HD. He wants her to run on this new small HD to see if the
| malware recurs, and if it doesn't, he plans to copy all the files from
| this spare small HD to a new 500 gig HD. That makes sense, right?
| Although I guess it's not a full test until he's copied all the old
| files she wants to the HD she's using.
| Thanks.
It is pure FUD and speculation without knowledge nor fact.
In other words, bullsh!t.