I got a window that popped up saying that Windows had detected a virus and I
should got to Explorer and type in "http:www.cleanmyreg.com/" and follow the
instructions to download this file. It took me to a webiste called Registry
Cleaner 32.com, is this legitimate or is it some kind of virus or hacker?
Should I download this file and trust this website? My virus protection is
currently expired so running a scan is of no help right now.
Thanks for your help!
I got a window that popped up saying that Windows had detected a virus and I
should got to Explorer and type in "http:www.cleanmyreg.com/" and follow the
instructions to download this file. It took me to a webiste called Registry
Cleaner 32.com, is this legitimate or is it some kind of virus or hacker?
Should I download this file and trust this website? My virus protection is
currently expired so running a scan is of no help right now.
Thanks for your help!