Virtual memory is the memory on your harrdrive that is
used to store virtual RAM. Programs and such can use both
real RAM installed in your system or run on virtual ram.
For example i have 512MB ddr 3200 ram and 678MB virual
ram (also known as a file-swap space). Virtual ram is
VITAL to people who have low amounts of ram, such as
256mb, or even 512MB. When you start running too much
software , which starts taking up more RAM, and you run
out of physical RAM, it starts getting placed in your
virtual ram. You can edit how much virtual ram your
computer has by the following
click start
rightclick on my computer
go to properties
advanced tab
virtual memory
from there you can change the amount of virtual memory.
You might want to tweak with it a little, try out
different amounts, even 0 if you have a lot of RAM (512 -
1gig) to see how it works. (the amount of virtual ram
WILL be part of your harrdrive, so like if you put a gig
of virtual ram a gig of harrdrive space will be gone)