Virtumondo(Adware) pmkhf.dll

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While trying out this eta version I have been battling this spyware. I used
the antispyware beta to remove the spyware, and then I went to the registry
and searched for pmkhf and removed all strings. However, there is a string in
my C/WINDOWS/system32 folder as pmkhf.dll and I can not remove it. I went in
as safe mode with command line use and could not locate it. When I tried to
pull up the command line and remove it while in full windows OS mode, it
stated that it could not be removed becuase some program or user was using it
at the time. I know that if I knew how to remove it from the system32
location I could get rid of this problem..any help would be highly


Experiencing the same just different in windows. Located in
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEMS32\AWTST.dll, very tired of trying to remove it just keeps
coming back, is there any other suggestions you could offer. Thank you
Hi Idi

The infection is the same its just a different filename. Try using the Vundo
fixtool which I post in the first reply as its recently been updated and is
performing well with this junk.

Log into the Admin account, Download the FixVundo.exe file from:

Save the file to a convenient location, such as your desktop.
Close all the running programs.
Locate the file that you just downloaded.
Double-click the FixVundo.exe file to start the removal tool.
Click Start to begin the process, and then allow the tool to run.

When the tool has finished running, you will see a message indicating if the
tool found vundo on your system. If it did then restart the computer & Run
the removal tool again to ensure that the system is clean.

Let us know if it cannot remove the files and for a study into where this
infection is coming from (Thanks To MVP Mow Green) can you check your
Add/Remove Programs screen and let us know if you have this Java entry
showing :

Goto Start Menu > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs

Check for Java 2 Runtime Environment, SE v1.4.2_03

Let us know if you have this 1.4.2_03 version installed or any other Java
versions on your system.

Thanks Andy
I should make that last part clearer to avoid confusion, Steve (Mow Green)
is finding that alot of logs he is working on when Trojan Vundo is installed
also has the 1.4.2_03 version of Java J2SE so its possible they are
exploiting a vunrability in that version to get onto the system, He has set
up poll's at various security sites to try confirm if it's present on each
system whenever someone has the Vundo infection

Andy :)
Hi Idi - In case the approach Andy outlined for you doesn't work (there are
several variations of Vundo around) then here are some additional approaches
that you may want to try:

Four approaches to removing Winfixer (Vundo). It's suggested that you try
them in this order.

1 - Symantec has a new Vundo remover:

2 - It's been reported that the Removal Tool here is worthwhile:

3 - Then, courtesy of MVP Suzi Turner and Mosaic1:

"Atribune, a guy in the forums, has a Vundo fix tool as well:

Instructions for use by user as posted in the SpywareWarrior forum:

'Please download VundoFix.exe to your desktop. Here's a link:

Double-click VundoFix.exe to extract the files
This will create a VundoFix folder on your desktop.
After the files are extracted, please restart your computer into Safe Mode.

Once in safe mode open the VundoFix folder and double-click on KillVundo.bat

A command window will open and it should look like this:

VundoFix V2.1 by Atri
By pressing enter you agree that you are using this at your own risk

At this point press enter one time.

Next you will see:

Type in the filepath as instructed by the forum staff
Then Press Enter, to continue with the fix.

At this point please type the following file path (make sure to enter it
exactly as below!):

Press Enter.

Next you will see:

Please type in the second filepath as instructed by the forum staff

At this point please type the following file path (make sure to enter it
exactly as below!):

Press Enter to continue.

The fix will run then HijackThis will open.
In HijackThis, please place a check next to the following items and click

O2 - BHO: MSEvents Object - {52B1DFC7-AAFC-4362-B103-868B0683C697} -
O20 - Winlogon Notify: geeby - C:\WINDOWS\system32\geeby.dll

After you have fixed these items, close Hijackthis.

The fix will tell you to shutdown using the Power button. Hold in your power
button until the computer shuts down. Wait about 15 seconds and then restart
the computer into regular windows.

Chkdsk will run. This is normal. It will take a few minutes and is checking
your file system because of the Bad Shutdown we caused.

Go for free online Virus scans here:

Allow them to clean

Panda will have the option to create a log after the scan has finished.
the See Report button. Then click the save Report button. It will be saved
under the name activescan.txt Do that and post that log into your next reply

Run hijackthis and post the new log and the vundofix.txt file from the
vundofix folder into as well.'

The forum helpers have reported this fix from Atribune works. I don't know
about the Symantec tool.

If you'd like to join Spyware Warrior, you could see the thread where the
helpers are discussing this.


Note: Here's some added info relative to the above courtesy of MVP Steve
Wechsler (akaMowGreen):

"the .dll's file name :


will be different on different systems. What you can do to identify it
is to scan the system with HijackThis and look at the O2 BHO and/or O20
Winlogon entries to find out it's name. Close all other programs and
browsers prior to scanning with HJT.
REMEMBER that there is a hidden file that will have the name of the .dll
spelled backwards. Enter that name when the VundoFix requests the path
to the second file.

4 - Grinler, a Security MVP, has another removal method that can be used if
the recommended method fails :"

Here's the HijackThis info you may need:

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always download a new
fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] - It's UPDATED frequently.)
You may also get it here if that link is blocked:

There's a good "How-to-Use" tutorial here:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check "Show
hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected operating system
files". (You may want to restore these when you're all finished with

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip into its own dedicated folder
at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp folder or on your
Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT then press Scan. Click on SaveLog
when it's finished which will create hijackthis.log. Now click the Config
button, then Misc Tools and click on Generate StartupList.log which will
create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:
or Jim Eshelman's site here:
or Bleepingcomputer here:
or Computer Cops here:
or Tom Coyote here:
or Net-Integration here:

Register if necessary, then sign in and READ THE DIRECTIONS at the beginning
of the particular site's HiJackThis forum, then copy and paste both files
into a message asking for assistance, Someone will answer with detailed
instructions for the removal of your parasite(s). Be sure you include at
the beginning of your post a description of "What specific
problem(s)/symptoms you're trying to solve" and "What steps you've already

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now make a new,
clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved (possibly infected)
ones. The following suggested approach is courtesy of Gary Woodruff: For XP
you can run a Disk Cleanup cycle and then look in the More Options tab. The
System Restore option removes all but the latest Restore Point. If there
hasn't been one made since the system was cleaned you should manually create
one before dumping the old possibly infected ones.

You probably should consider switching to Sun Java J2SE 5.0 JRE or later
here: (What I use, BTW),
especially since MS will apparently no longer be distributing Java or
providing any support for Java including security fixes after Dec 31, 2007.
BE SURE that you uninstall any prior versions of Sun Java as some,
specifically JRE v. 1.4.2_03, contain a security bug which certain malware,
notably Winfixer/Vundo, are suspected of exploiting. If you did have this
version of Sun Java, JRE v. 1.4.2-03, installed, please post back and tell

When you get things cleaned up, take a look at my Blog, Defending Your
Machine, addy in my Signature below, for some additional curative and
preventive measures you might want to implement to help prevent this type of
thing in the future.
I have successfully removed all Thanks to your help, and yes Java 2runtime
enviroment SE v1.4.2_03 is in my add/remove programs could this be the
problem. Thank you,idi
I fought this on our home PC...I was surprised to see the number of tools
necessary to fight this and how many really don't work...

The Symantec solution repeatedly did not work...

The SPYWARE SWEEPER did work, very nicely...

HIJACKTHIS is another good one, but does require intervention and that you
know what you are looking for, not a good solution for an enterprise...

NOD32, with signature, good. Requires that you find the malicious file first.


Jim Byrd said:
Hi Idi - In case the approach Andy outlined for you doesn't work (there are
several variations of Vundo around) then here are some additional approaches
that you may want to try:

Four approaches to removing Winfixer (Vundo). It's suggested that you try
them in this order.

1 - Symantec has a new Vundo remover:

2 - It's been reported that the Removal Tool here is worthwhile:

3 - Then, courtesy of MVP Suzi Turner and Mosaic1:

"Atribune, a guy in the forums, has a Vundo fix tool as well:

Instructions for use by user as posted in the SpywareWarrior forum:

'Please download VundoFix.exe to your desktop. Here's a link:

Double-click VundoFix.exe to extract the files
This will create a VundoFix folder on your desktop.
After the files are extracted, please restart your computer into Safe Mode.

Once in safe mode open the VundoFix folder and double-click on KillVundo.bat

A command window will open and it should look like this:

VundoFix V2.1 by Atri
By pressing enter you agree that you are using this at your own risk

At this point press enter one time.

Next you will see:

Type in the filepath as instructed by the forum staff
Then Press Enter, to continue with the fix.

At this point please type the following file path (make sure to enter it
exactly as below!):

Press Enter.

Next you will see:

Please type in the second filepath as instructed by the forum staff

At this point please type the following file path (make sure to enter it
exactly as below!):

Press Enter to continue.

The fix will run then HijackThis will open.
In HijackThis, please place a check next to the following items and click

O2 - BHO: MSEvents Object - {52B1DFC7-AAFC-4362-B103-868B0683C697} -
O20 - Winlogon Notify: geeby - C:\WINDOWS\system32\geeby.dll

After you have fixed these items, close Hijackthis.

The fix will tell you to shutdown using the Power button. Hold in your power
button until the computer shuts down. Wait about 15 seconds and then restart
the computer into regular windows.

Chkdsk will run. This is normal. It will take a few minutes and is checking
your file system because of the Bad Shutdown we caused.

Go for free online Virus scans here:

Allow them to clean

Panda will have the option to create a log after the scan has finished.
the See Report button. Then click the save Report button. It will be saved
under the name activescan.txt Do that and post that log into your next reply

Run hijackthis and post the new log and the vundofix.txt file from the
vundofix folder into as well.'

The forum helpers have reported this fix from Atribune works. I don't know
about the Symantec tool.

If you'd like to join Spyware Warrior, you could see the thread where the
helpers are discussing this.


Note: Here's some added info relative to the above courtesy of MVP Steve
Wechsler (akaMowGreen):

"the .dll's file name :


will be different on different systems. What you can do to identify it
is to scan the system with HijackThis and look at the O2 BHO and/or O20
Winlogon entries to find out it's name. Close all other programs and
browsers prior to scanning with HJT.
REMEMBER that there is a hidden file that will have the name of the .dll
spelled backwards. Enter that name when the VundoFix requests the path
to the second file.

4 - Grinler, a Security MVP, has another removal method that can be used if
the recommended method fails :"

Here's the HijackThis info you may need:

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always download a new
fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] - It's UPDATED frequently.)
You may also get it here if that link is blocked:

There's a good "How-to-Use" tutorial here:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check "Show
hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected operating system
files". (You may want to restore these when you're all finished with

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip into its own dedicated folder
at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp folder or on your
Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT then press Scan. Click on SaveLog
when it's finished which will create hijackthis.log. Now click the Config
button, then Misc Tools and click on Generate StartupList.log which will
create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:
or Jim Eshelman's site here:
or Bleepingcomputer here:
or Computer Cops here:
or Tom Coyote here:
or Net-Integration here:

Register if necessary, then sign in and READ THE DIRECTIONS at the beginning
of the particular site's HiJackThis forum, then copy and paste both files
into a message asking for assistance, Someone will answer with detailed
instructions for the removal of your parasite(s). Be sure you include at
the beginning of your post a description of "What specific
problem(s)/symptoms you're trying to solve" and "What steps you've already

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now make a new,
clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved (possibly infected)
ones. The following suggested approach is courtesy of Gary Woodruff: For XP
you can run a Disk Cleanup cycle and then look in the More Options tab. The
System Restore option removes all but the latest Restore Point. If there
hasn't been one made since the system was cleaned you should manually create
one before dumping the old possibly infected ones.

You probably should consider switching to Sun Java J2SE 5.0 JRE or later
here: (What I use, BTW),
especially since MS will apparently no longer be distributing Java or
providing any support for Java including security fixes after Dec 31, 2007.
BE SURE that you uninstall any prior versions of Sun Java as some,
specifically JRE v. 1.4.2_03, contain a security bug which certain malware,
notably Winfixer/Vundo, are suspected of exploiting. If you did have this
version of Sun Java, JRE v. 1.4.2-03, installed, please post back and tell

When you get things cleaned up, take a look at my Blog, Defending Your
Machine, addy in my Signature below, for some additional curative and
preventive measures you might want to implement to help prevent this type of
thing in the future.

Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP/DTS/AH-VSOP
My Blog, Defending Your Machine, here:

idi said:
Experiencing the same just different in windows. Located in
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEMS32\AWTST.dll, very tired of trying to remove it just keeps
coming back, is there any other suggestions you could offer. Thank you