Toughskinn said:
My computer now has Pentium D 3.0 GHz, 1.5GB RAM....a more powerful
machine is to come soon. And Synapse Syndrome is correct...what I am
invisioning is a dual monitor setup with the host viewable on one and the
virtual disk viewable on the other. Is THAT possible, and if so how would
I go about configuring that?
I guess I'm not understanding what you mean and how the above scenario is
any different than what I'm doing here on my MacBook. I'm writing to you
from the KNode newsreader in SUSE Linux 10.1 which is running in a virtual
machine in VM Fusion (the Mac version of VMware) and is displayed on my 20"
external monitor attached to my MacBook. Other programs that are native to
the host OS (OS X) can run on both my MacBook's own screen or on the big
monitor. It isn't any different in Windows.
If I wanted to add a second monitor to my Vista machine, all I would need is
a video card that supported dual monitors. If I wanted to run VMware
Workstation or Virtual PC and create a virtual machine running whatever,
I'd make sure I had a nice fast processor but most importantly, plenty of
RAM. With Vista, I'd want 3GB. Then I'd start my VM and drag the window to
the second monitor.