James Bacus said:
I am running Windows xp Compaq Presario. 80 gb hard drive. Here lately I
have been getting a message saying,Your Virtual Memory is being updated.
Is there any thing I should do,or is this something to not worry about?
Thank You
Basically this is just a memorandum from Windows about some
housekeeping that it has done.
If you want to get rid of this message go into Control Panel - System
- Advanced and click on the Settings button in the Performance (top)
section. Go to the Advanced tab and click on the Change button in the
Virtual Memory (bottom) section.
You will probably find that the "Custom size" option has been selected
with values for the initial (=minimum) and maximum size. If so then
you can click on the "System managed size" option to select and then
click on the "Set" button (twice just to be certain) to put the new
choice into effect. Click on Apply and OK as needed to exit. Reboot
to put the changes fully into effect if you want the change to be
effective immediately.
Good luck
Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service
Syberfix Remote Computer Repair
"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."