virtual memory

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how can i increase my memory, i do delete temporary internet folders etc and
put my photographs on disk, what else can i do?
You are confusing available memory with available hard disk space. Which do
you want to increase?
Hi Ted, my disk space is ok, i just keep getting an icon saying my virtual
memory is too low
The 'low virtual memory' message means there are too many programs running
on your computer for the amount of memory you have. If your virtual memory
is correctly set to "system managed size", here is how you can make more
memory available:

1. Reduce the number of programs you have open.
2. Reduce the number of programs that start with Windows.
3. Remove all viruses and other forms of malware.
4. Buy more RAM. You'll want at least 512MB of RAM for acceptable
performance in Windows XP.
The general concensus after years of XP being on the market is that it's best
to have a combination of RAM and VM that equals 2Gig or 2048MB . So, lets
say, you have 512MB of RAM, you would then set your start point for the
pagefile at 1536MB and the end point at 1536MB. This allows the system to
have a static pagefile and thus less chance of any framentation taking place.
This configuration will be sufficient for any but the most avid
gamer\graphics user. So determine what your RAM is and then determine what
you need for a pagefile. To change the pagefile go>start>control
panel>system>Advanced Tab-Performance section-"Settings" button(click
it)>advanced tab-Virtual Memory Section(down the bottom) -"Change"
button(click it) and then set the start and end size to what you want. This
should eliminate any more warnings. Please note that I also recommend a
minimum of 512MB of RAM for XP but more preferably 1G for todays graphic
intensive environment. TTFN.
12:30 PM 5/30/2006

Virtual memory is a method Windows uses to improve the apparent performance
of memory without buyng and adding more memory chips (RAM) XP does this by
manipulating a file on the hard drive called a "paging file". The size of
this file can impact virtual memory performance. To determine your paging
file settings:

Start > right click My Computer > select Properties to display the System
Properties dialogue box > left click the Advanced tab > left click the
Settings button of the Performance section > left click the Advanced tab >
left click the Change button of the Virtual Memory section to display the
Virtual Memory dialogue box > if there is more than one drive [volume label]
listed, select the drive on which your Operating System resides.

Most users should allow the system to determine its own needs as regards to
the size of the paging file. Do this by selecting Sytem Managed Size and
left clicking the Set button.

something that brought up the Low Virtual Memory notification before the
change. If this has solved the problem, you will no longer see the
notification that virutal memory is low. However, you probably will NOT
notice an improvement in performance or speed of your computer or programs.

If the page file setting was already set for System Managed Size or, if you
change the setting to System Managed Size and and you still get the Low
Virtual Memory notification, post again.

The said:
The general concensus after years of XP being on the market is that
it's best to have a combination of RAM and VM that equals 2Gig or
2048MB .

That may be *your* opinion, but it's far from a consensus.

For better advice, read this article by the late MVP Alex Nichol: Virtual
Memory in Windows XP
How do I reduce the number of programs that start with Windows?

Ted said:
The 'low virtual memory' message means there are too many programs running
on your computer for the amount of memory you have. If your virtual memory
is correctly set to "system managed size", here is how you can make more
memory available:

1. Reduce the number of programs you have open.
2. Reduce the number of programs that start with Windows.
3. Remove all viruses and other forms of malware.
4. Buy more RAM. You'll want at least 512MB of RAM for acceptable
performance in Windows XP.
Hi Ted, my disk space is ok, i just keep getting an icon saying my virtual
memory is too low
[quoted text clipped - 5 lines]
1. Open each program you do not wish to start with Windows and go through
its menus, looking for the option that starts the program with Windows. Turn
that option off.
2. If there remain programs you do not wish to start with Windows, go to
your startup folder (Start > All Programs > Startup) and remove shortcuts to
programs you no longer wish to start with Windows.
3. Now reboot your computer.
4. If there still remain programs you do not wish to start with Windows you
now have two choices: a) Contact the program's technical support and ask for
advice, or b) uninstall the program.

Ted Zieglar
"Backup is a computer user's best friend."

DonnaH said:
How do I reduce the number of programs that start with Windows?

Ted said:
The 'low virtual memory' message means there are too many programs running
on your computer for the amount of memory you have. If your virtual memory
is correctly set to "system managed size", here is how you can make more
memory available:

1. Reduce the number of programs you have open.
2. Reduce the number of programs that start with Windows.
3. Remove all viruses and other forms of malware.
4. Buy more RAM. You'll want at least 512MB of RAM for acceptable
performance in Windows XP.
Hi Ted, my disk space is ok, i just keep getting an icon saying my virtual
memory is too low
[quoted text clipped - 5 lines]
put my photographs on disk, what else can i do?