Did you ever edit SYSTEM.INI for the [Vcache] MaxFileCache directive ?
| I have the same oproblem on Win98 Below is the information I have worked up in detail,
probably to much but i wanted to be complete.. The two suggestiopns i have seen so far are
run Norton or Delete Pagefile..?
| I am running WIN98SE, an upgrade from WIN98. I have 2 512 k Ram chips on a ECS Motherboard
running an AMD Athlon XP 2000 CPU. I have "Smart drive" enabled on the bios.
| I have a file on my hard drive in the Windows/TEMP directory called: ZLT0364f.TMP I
cannot erase or rename the file. This file also changes names but it always begins with a
ZL. From Properties, It says it is a 256k file and says 32,768 Bytes used. It always says
created on the time when I boot up, such as now Saturday, January 24, 2004 8:36:22 PM. It
says modified: Saturday, January 24, 2004 8:36:24 PM and accessed January 24, 2004.
| I noticed it when I was trying to modify my swap file. I wanted to make it 1.5Gigs to
match my RAM. I did this by clicking on Control panel/System/Performance/Virtual Memory..
and found I cannot modify my swap file on my hard disk. If I try it goes negative and the
system won't reboot. If I let Windows manage it, it says: C:\-4862MB Free. And I have 0 for
Min and Max. This seems to result in really poor performance in such things as waiting
2-5min for a page to load when on the web. I am running a cable modem that is testing out
above 3MB when tested on
www.DSLReports.com web site.
| I ran CA eTrust anti virus on it and it did not indicate a virus needed to be cured..
| Also when I try to click on the MSDOS Icon to go to Dos I get an error that says "There is
not enough memory to run this program, close one or more programs.. (None are running) So I
only can reboot in DOS mode, to run DOS. I fixed this problem by taking out 1 512MB RAM Mo
dule as per the paragraph below. Is this problem related to the ones above?
| I read an article on the MS site,
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;253912, Titled: Out of Memory" Error
Messages with Large Amounts of RAM Installed. The article states that there is a 512k memory
limitation "Vcache is limited internally to a maximum cache size of 800 MB." So I took out 1
512k Chip and now I can access MS DOS. However in Dos I cannot del the File
WINDOWS/TEMP/ZL???.TMP and set my swap file to 800k.
| 1) How do I set my Swap file to 800k to improve internet performance?
| 2) It would be nice to use the other 512k memory module, boosting my RAM to 1Gig. Assuming
Windows98SE performance can be improved with 1Gig vs 512MB of Ram??
| Any Ideas?
| (e-mail address removed)