virtual memory

  • Thread starter Thread starter Adathor
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I wanted to report a problem with Microsoft spyware
beta. I installed the application on both my desktop
computer and my laptop. I have had the program running
for about a week on both systems. In the last couple of
days both my computers would shut down and reboot several
times within a few minutes. Then I noticed that I was
getting "Virtual Memory Low" messages. I checked my
virtual memory settings in the advanced section of my
system information, and noticed that my virtual memory
was set at a custom setting. I will suggest to anyone
running XP to reset their virtual memory to system
managed size. If their are anymore comments about this
please forward or send reply. BTW, after i reset my
virtual memory my computers have run fine.
We are looking to fix a lot of issues related to performance soon. Let us
know if this continues.


Steve Dodson [MSFT]
PSS Security


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