Virtual Memory

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
  • Start date Start date


I get the standard "Increase your pagefile...etc.." error
when I login to my machine. The problem is this. When I
login and get that message, I click Ok to change it. But
then, I get the Startup Windows ring from my speakers and
it goes back to the login prompt window. It keeps doing
that, even in Safe mode. Anyone with ideas or
suggestions? Thanks.

Same problem exactly, I got it from attempting to create a
duplicate boot volume with "Retrospect" Backup utility. I
am attempting to eliminate some temporary internet files
without destroying my Cache, and this is the only method I
can come up with---Retrospect allows me to sort and select
which files will be on the Backup. ANNNNnnyyyways, if you
get an answer to the pagefile error problem I too would be
interested and if I solve it (still working on it) I will
post-------By the Way, how did YOU get to the error?