You need a pretty big virtual memory because your RAM is
VERY limited, but your hard drive is also very small so you
don't have much space.
You need to have as much virtual memory [pagefile] as you
can spare from the hard drive, so you can open more than one
file or program. XP and system background processes will be
using pretty much all of your RAM and be using the pagefile
system when you have a normal compliment of programs and
files open, say email, word processor and perhaps your
anti-virus, firewall and a scanner/printer or other devices.
In case you don't really understand the pagefile system, it
was a method of allowing programs and files to be opened
when RAM was very expensive and 16, 32 or 64 MB was
considered a lot of memory. It is still a valuable and
useful method to use.
Some things must be in active memory [RAM] in order to work,
such as the operating system and the codes used to run your
word processor, but other things can be shuffled in and out
of RAM to "fool" the computer into acting as though it had a
larger memory. That means that the RAM has to manage
selection of what can be moved into virtual memory and then
brought back into RAM when needed, swapping files back and
forth as needed.
If you want to write a letter or two, cut and paste,
spell-check, maybe do a simple photo edit, adjust color and
crop, check your email; your hard drive and a fair portion
of the RAM will be used about 100% of the time to run your
total operation. The hard drive is very slow, so your whole
computer slows down. If you run out of allocated space for
virtual memory, your computer or program will crash.
Set virtual memory to be managed by Windows, Windows will
adjust the size in order to run the programs you're running.
If you get the message that "Windows is adjusting size" then
it is taking more of your hard drive space.
My opinion is that you need to buy more RAM and a new hard
read the article
|I am using Win XP with 20 GB hard drive and 256MB ram
| so what should be the size of the virtual mem page size??