The maximum amount under W2K is 4092Meg, it you have a worm it gets better.
You can set the size in the applet under Computer Management, adn then you
may get to where you can set it going smaller, but not larger with out the
registry. To do that one use Regedit
Start > Run... > type "regedt32" , enter
HKLM >System > Current Control Set > Control > Session Manager > Memory
Management > click Paging file in right pane | on Menu bar choose Edit >
choose Multi string > change the size to ONE x your RAM (i.e. 512 is 512Meg)
, click OK and back out...
The only kicker is NTAUTHORITY (system) has to be given full control to do
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Computer Management > click Logical
Drives > right mouse C:\ (%systemRoot%) choose properties > Security tab >
Add... > scroll to "system" > highlight system > click okay > click
"advanced" >highlight "system" >choose advance > check all the boxes > click
okay and OK you way out adn now "system" has been given full control adn you
may change teh registry for the pagefile.sys
It's late and I hope I have all steps completed. I'm tired. Going to bed.
goood luck,
Thank you for your response Brian, but there doesn't seem
to be a button to switch to "Custom Setting". Should I
clear the memory, and be default, where does it live? I
have done a search on Pagefile.sys, and nothing comes up.
Should the memory be cleared at shutdown via a setting in
the registry? Any thoughts would be most appreciated.