ok i am sorry .... here is the content:
ASP.NET files can be deployed throughout an IIS virtual directory tree,
which can be created using the Internet Services Manager ( inetmgr.exe ).
After this it explain the process to create the virtual directory....
followed by this content....
I hope this makes it clear?
To publish ASP.NET content on your Web site
a.. Create a default home page for your Web site.
b.. Name this file default.aspx, index.aspx, or whichever name you choose.
c.. Save the file into the application's virtual directory root.
d.. You publish other content of your Web site in the same way, simply by
saving the files to the virtual root or any of its subdirectories. Just make
sure that the directory has Script or Execute permissions enabled.
To test an ASP.NET Web page on your localhost
a.. Ensure that your computer has an active network connection to the
b.. Start a Web browser, such as Microsoft® Internet Explorer.
c.. In the browser's address bar, enter the Uniform Resource Locator (
URL ) for the page you are "requesting" on your server.