!> you can have physical and virtual directories inside the default web site
You can not only have them inside the default website,
but you can also have them inside any web application.
I assume that you mean something like this :
--root directory
-- physical subdirectory of the root which is not configured as a virtual directory
-- physical subdirectory of the root which *is* configured as a virtual directory
Basically, the difference is that any web.config in a physical subdirectory cannot
contain references to MachineToApplication configuration sections, while in
virtual directories you can override MachineToApplication configuration sections.
To see which configuration sections are MachineToApplication ones, open the file machine.config.comments
with Notepad, or any other pure text editor, and search for the text "MachineToApplication".
Those configuration sections can only be configured when the application's web.config is in a
directory configured as a virtual directory, and cannot be configured in physical subdirectories.
Any section in machine.config marked as "MachineToWebRoot" can only be configured in the Application's root.
Any section in machine.config marked as "MachineOnly" can only be configured once for the whole server.
Juan T. Llibre, MVP faq :
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