Virgin Media

Mar 21, 2005
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Hello am on Virgin Media 4meg Broadband, but why do i need a password?

Since we don,t log on with a password on virgin media.

Even if someone did get my password the broaband is send to this house.
I guess you also get email addresses with your broadband which will require a password for security especially if accessing via the web away from home - do Virgin also give you an account which you can access via the web?
a2amali said:
If its a USB modem then you do have to give it id/pass, why not connect via ethernet?

yes it,s a usb modem but i don,t connect with a pasword or a username.

But i do have a password for my e-mail part.

The guy who set it up did send a code to Virgin side to send the signal.
Email server always use a user name and password. I never use ISP email system because when i change ISP i lose the address, best to stick with hotmail or yahoo ;-)
a2amali said:
I never use ISP email system because when i change ISP i lose the address, best to stick with hotmail or yahoo ;-)
I've stuck with Virgin for 7 years, but do understand what you say.
May be i'm old school in my attitude to my ISP, but as long as i can surf the net, i'm happy.
Actually out of all the ISP's i have used
Start Internet
Alto highway

Virgin/NTL seems to be the best anyway because they dont block ports and you get full Bandwidth available.

Also with TV the weather does not affect the TV unlike Sky so maybe i will stick with virgin for bit longer then others.
The problem i have is my BT local exchange of which i'm the furthest away from it.
And the max speed of 4MB is the most i will get until it's upgraded in 2008/9/10/11!!!
murdoch said:
I've stuck with Virgin for 7 years, but do understand what you say.
May be i'm old school in my attitude to my ISP, but as long as i can surf the net, i'm happy.

but ever since virgin got in there helpline have gone down hill.

one the cost to ring up a tech guy is a rip off.

Plus did,nt we lose sky one,news,etc aswell.
so you are still with ADSL? man! tell virgin to change you to Cable. the ping response will half and you will get much better response.