Wonder if someone can help? Just connected to Virgin Media and am using the Broadband service. All laptops in the house have connected fine - but the one 'static' pc I have just won't work.
For that I'm not using wireless - it's too far away to get a decent signal in any case (big house). So instead I'm using that DLINK 'through the electric wiring' setup instead. I have one side of that coming from the wireless router into the plug socket and then of course the other side from a plug socket by the PC into the ethernet port.
Prior to having Virgin installed my old router was by the pc in question and I had a lead straight from the router into the ethernet of the pc - so I know the hardware is ok.
I've also tried plugging the ethernet cable into my mac laptop instead to check it works and all is fine...
But when I plug it in to the PC, the pc won't get allocated an ip address. It gets stuck on 'acquiring address' then says it has limited or no connectivity.
I tried giving it a static ip with a subnet mask of and gateway of then pinging but I get nothing. Timeout. Nowt.
The PC is running XP Pro, Service Pack 2.
Does anyone have any suggestions at all? I'm at the point where all I can think of now is to back up my valuable files and reinstall Windows on the PC in the hope that'll stumble across fixing it somehow - would rather not do this if possible though.
I called Virgin but they basically said it was not their problem because I had at least one computer working so it's not their connection. They said to call DLINK if I want any further help. I can see their point but they were very abrupt and so far all of my experiences with Virgin have been quite negative - three days in and I'm already wondering if moving from Sky was such a bright idea after all :-(
Anyway, heeeelp!
Wonder if someone can help? Just connected to Virgin Media and am using the Broadband service. All laptops in the house have connected fine - but the one 'static' pc I have just won't work.
For that I'm not using wireless - it's too far away to get a decent signal in any case (big house). So instead I'm using that DLINK 'through the electric wiring' setup instead. I have one side of that coming from the wireless router into the plug socket and then of course the other side from a plug socket by the PC into the ethernet port.
Prior to having Virgin installed my old router was by the pc in question and I had a lead straight from the router into the ethernet of the pc - so I know the hardware is ok.
I've also tried plugging the ethernet cable into my mac laptop instead to check it works and all is fine...
But when I plug it in to the PC, the pc won't get allocated an ip address. It gets stuck on 'acquiring address' then says it has limited or no connectivity.
I tried giving it a static ip with a subnet mask of and gateway of then pinging but I get nothing. Timeout. Nowt.
The PC is running XP Pro, Service Pack 2.
Does anyone have any suggestions at all? I'm at the point where all I can think of now is to back up my valuable files and reinstall Windows on the PC in the hope that'll stumble across fixing it somehow - would rather not do this if possible though.
I called Virgin but they basically said it was not their problem because I had at least one computer working so it's not their connection. They said to call DLINK if I want any further help. I can see their point but they were very abrupt and so far all of my experiences with Virgin have been quite negative - three days in and I'm already wondering if moving from Sky was such a bright idea after all :-(
Anyway, heeeelp!