Virgin Media: One PC not connecting...

Oct 19, 2009
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Wonder if someone can help? Just connected to Virgin Media and am using the Broadband service. All laptops in the house have connected fine - but the one 'static' pc I have just won't work.

For that I'm not using wireless - it's too far away to get a decent signal in any case (big house). So instead I'm using that DLINK 'through the electric wiring' setup instead. I have one side of that coming from the wireless router into the plug socket and then of course the other side from a plug socket by the PC into the ethernet port.

Prior to having Virgin installed my old router was by the pc in question and I had a lead straight from the router into the ethernet of the pc - so I know the hardware is ok.

I've also tried plugging the ethernet cable into my mac laptop instead to check it works and all is fine...

But when I plug it in to the PC, the pc won't get allocated an ip address. It gets stuck on 'acquiring address' then says it has limited or no connectivity.

I tried giving it a static ip with a subnet mask of and gateway of then pinging but I get nothing. Timeout. Nowt.

The PC is running XP Pro, Service Pack 2.

Does anyone have any suggestions at all? I'm at the point where all I can think of now is to back up my valuable files and reinstall Windows on the PC in the hope that'll stumble across fixing it somehow - would rather not do this if possible though.

I called Virgin but they basically said it was not their problem because I had at least one computer working so it's not their connection. They said to call DLINK if I want any further help. I can see their point but they were very abrupt and so far all of my experiences with Virgin have been quite negative - three days in and I'm already wondering if moving from Sky was such a bright idea after all :-(

Anyway, heeeelp!


I'd say your PC was fine

When you plugged your laptop in was that directly to the router or via the D-link thing. I have a feeling the D-link setup could be causing the problems
The laptop works both directly into the router and also from the dlink 'electrical' connector. There's no setup required with that as far as I know.

Something else I've noticed...

After it fails to obtain an ip address, I check ipConfig and it shows

ip address:

How weird - where do those settings come from?
