Karel said:
Thanks very much for your replies. I have already installed and run
Spybot. Do I need to install and run the other programs you recommend
as well?
The vinavbar directory on my computer is at c:\program files\common
files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\40\bots. This does not
square with what the above link says the file location should be. I am
not running a server, just two computers with a DSL connection through a
Netgear router.
The vinavbar subdirectory was created on my computer when I clicked on a
newsgroup message. I did not open the attachment, but the attachment
name was the same as the above mentioned directory name, plus a
multidigit file name. This filename does not appear on my computer -
the vinavbar subdirectory is supposedly empty. My router, my Norton, my
XP Pro software firewall, and Spybot have ignored it. I did download a
Windows Update that claimed it fixed an IE vulnerability, and that may
somehow be connected with this odd little subdirectory.