Isiah Taylor
Hi There
I dont know which category this fits in best as its kind
of a mix of a few...(ack!!)
Im getting "The viewstate is invalid for this page and
might be corrupted" when viewing a aspx page on a WinCE
PDA. This only seems to happen when a datagrid is used
and the paging is sent to go to the next page of data.
Its quite weird as from what I can gather its when the
viewstate data goes beyond a certain size.
I can't use mobileinternetcontrols on this app as there
just has to be unified page for everything and we dont
want to rewrite the entire site just for mobile. It was
going so good up until this stubbling block as the rest
of the app is 95% there.
Any ideas or ways around this
Stack trace:
HttpException (0x80004005): The viewstate is invalid for
this page and might be corrupted.
I dont know which category this fits in best as its kind
of a mix of a few...(ack!!)
Im getting "The viewstate is invalid for this page and
might be corrupted" when viewing a aspx page on a WinCE
PDA. This only seems to happen when a datagrid is used
and the paging is sent to go to the next page of data.
Its quite weird as from what I can gather its when the
viewstate data goes beyond a certain size.
I can't use mobileinternetcontrols on this app as there
just has to be unified page for everything and we dont
want to rewrite the entire site just for mobile. It was
going so good up until this stubbling block as the rest
of the app is 95% there.
Any ideas or ways around this
Stack trace:
HttpException (0x80004005): The viewstate is invalid for
this page and might be corrupted.