You have got a Jay Mr. Barbarian - lucky thing (Edit: Woops! That was meant for your Twitcher thread, I'm sorry )
Great pictures, how wonderful to be able to see that scenery every day It must feel pretty chilly sometimes, but what a great part of the country to be living
Looking at your pics again, I was just wondering about lambs? They were beginning to appear in the fields around here a few weeks ago, so does it happen a bit later (when the temps are a bit less harsh) with you?
I was also curious about the four white chimneys which are tucked quite neatly into the landscape? Are they something to do with electricity generation?
Lambs have been around for several weeks over here . Four white chimneys are a bit of a optical illusion and are one chimmney hardly seeable with lots of white steam . Its the Croppers paper factory which prouced some of the finest specialist papers in europe .
Oh that's interesting, the chimneys looked so real I love to see the lambs and felt very "jealous" when a friend from Kent told me that in her part of the country, some farmers will allow folk to help bottle-feed them (er, the lambs that is, not the farmers...) I've always wanted to do that.