Viewing report from Popup form

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I have a popup form from which I have command buttons to run reports. The
popup form is set to Popup = Yes and Modal = Yes.

When a report is run, the Popup form remains on top of the report preview
(and has Focus). Is there a way to perhaps hide the popup while in report
preview and then unhide when the report is closed?

I also tried the following:

DoCmd.OpenReport MyReport,,{Where condition}
DoCmd.Close acForm, MyForm that the report would not be partially hidden by the popup form. The
problem is that in closing the popup form, the primary form is shown (but
does not have Focus) and to get to the report preview, I have to go to Window
and select the appropriate window. If the popup can't be hidden as I
mentioned above, then I would like this situation to work but on closing the
popup form, activate the report preview window.

Suggestions? Thanks as always.
Haven't tested this, but you might try closing the form in the Open event of
the report. If the main form tries to get in your way again, try closing the
popup, making the main form invisible in the report open event and make it
visible again in the form close event.
I started doing some investigation with the various options for DoCmd and
discovered the Select Object Property. Here's my code:

docmd.OpenReport MyReport, , {where}
docmd.Close acForm, MyForm
docmd.SelectObject acReport, "ReportName"

This brings up the Report Preview as I desired.

However :-) I would still like to know if there is a way to bring up the
report in preview mode without having to close the popup form but not have
the popup form displayed over the report, so when the report is closed, the
screen returns to the main form with the popup form still displayed.
Pendragon said:

I have a popup form from which I have command buttons to run reports. The
popup form is set to Popup = Yes and Modal = Yes.

Why is this form a popup form?

Just make it model..and it will keep the focus. Have the rerpeto maixie when
you open it.

When the user is done videinw, or protnign the rerpot..they close
they are back to
your prommpt form to eihter change vlaues...launch reprot again...or close
this form.

The problem here is why is this form a popup form? should not be a need for

It can, and most certainly can be a model form, and likely should NOT be a
dialog form...

But, popup form?.....perhaps you can simply make the form just model....