Viewing net work computers



I set up my network between my desk top and lap top all seemed to be working
But now i cannot access the vewing net work computers on my desktop, i can
see both computors on my desk top but cannot access any files.
When i try, i get the message You might not have permission to use this net
work resource, contact administrator. ( as far as i know nothing as been
altered) The list of servers for this net workgroup are not currently
I have tried to reset and reinstal my net work again, during reinstall i
receive no problem messages.
I have also tried system restore, no good.


I set up my network between my desk top and lap top all seemed to be working
But now i cannot access the vewing net work computers on my desktop, i can
see both computors on my desk top but cannot access any files.
When i try, i get the message You might not have permission to use this net
work resource, contact administrator. ( as far as i know nothing as been
altered) The list of servers for this net workgroup are not currently
I have tried to reset and reinstal my net work again, during reinstall i
receive no problem messages.
I have also tried system restore, no good.


One of the most common causes of this problem would be a misconfigured or
overlooked personal firewall, or other security component. There are several
other possibilities too, and any might be the cause of your problem. Read this
article with an open mind.

For more direct help, provide "browstat status" and "ipconfig /all" from each
computer, so we can diagnose the problem. Read this article, and linked
articles, and follow instructions precisely (download browstat!):

Please let us know if any of these suggestions are of any help. What you learn
may help others in the future, and that's the purpose of these forums.


Please tell me how can i send mail to group.

I have one small problem with my network. Pls help me to solve.

I have 2 LAN segments in my network

There is one computer (suppose Z) with 2 LAN cards configured as &
it is simple to understand that Z can communicate both A & B but please
tell me is it possible to get communication between A & B using Z. I
want B to share internet connection of A.
is it possible.

Please help me.

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