Hi, I'm a graphic designer who works in almost all Adobe products. I rely
heavily on thumbnail previews of my files to see what images need to be
pulled for certain projects. Once upon a time, before something choked my
hard drive to death, I was able to see thumbnail previews, now that I have
reinstalled XP and all of my software, I can no longer see .psd file previews
- just the Photoshop file icon. Strangely, all other image file format
thumbnail previews appear, i.e., .jpg, .gif, .png, .tif, .pdf. Although I've
never been able to see .eps files (if anyone knows that, I'll throw a party.)
I have investigated all the usual suspect places and even checked a few I
was not aware of until reading all the posts here. Unfortunately, no luck...
any advice on how to see a Photoshop .psd file in thumbnail view?
heavily on thumbnail previews of my files to see what images need to be
pulled for certain projects. Once upon a time, before something choked my
hard drive to death, I was able to see thumbnail previews, now that I have
reinstalled XP and all of my software, I can no longer see .psd file previews
- just the Photoshop file icon. Strangely, all other image file format
thumbnail previews appear, i.e., .jpg, .gif, .png, .tif, .pdf. Although I've
never been able to see .eps files (if anyone knows that, I'll throw a party.)
I have investigated all the usual suspect places and even checked a few I
was not aware of until reading all the posts here. Unfortunately, no luck...
any advice on how to see a Photoshop .psd file in thumbnail view?