Viewing forms on different screens

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I have written a Database (v2003) that is viewed across a company on
different screens with different resolutions. How can I make the forms
display in the same way on all screens. At present some screens see the
entire form plus more (embarassing if there is more than one page showing)
and others don't see the whole form at all. I have tried 'full screen' mode
and setting exact sizes but nothing works for all the computer displays.
Hi Theresa

Not sure if this will work but you could maximize on open of the forms.

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

Give it try.
Hi again

Sorry just re-read your post. One thing that would work (not sure if you
have already) would be to split the database front/back end. As the forms
are stored on each machine so they would open maximized to the correct screen

There are many post concerning splitting DB's in this forum if you need any
help with this.

Hope this helps
Theresa said:
I have written a Database (v2003) that is viewed across a company on
different screens with different resolutions. How can I make the forms
display in the same way on all screens. At present some screens see the
entire form plus more (embarassing if there is more than one page showing)

More than one page of what? ALL programs appear different sizes on different
resolutions. That is why people use different resolutions. If everyone wanted
all apps to appear the same then we would all be running 800 by 600.
and others don't see the whole form at all. I have tried 'full screen' mode
and setting exact sizes but nothing works for all the computer displays.

Design your forms for the lowest resolution setting you intend to support.

I'm not sure whether automatic form resizing (of sorts) was included in
later versions of Access, but it wasn't in Access 2000. You can buy
third-party utilities that will resize forms automatically depending screen
resolution. Alternatively, you can buy the Access Developer's Handbook 2000
(by Getz, Litwin and Gilbert), which contains the code you need starting on
page 618. The ADH encapsulates the code in a class module called
"FormResize", which means you don't need to know how it works - you can just
implement it in a straightforward fashion. There is a later edition of the
ADH but I don't have it, so don't know if the code is included in the later
edition. Check the capabilities of your version of Access (2003) first.
