Viewing e-mail and calendar

  • Thread starter Viewing duplicate screens
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Viewing duplicate screens

How do I view my e-mail, calendar and tasks on the same screen?


"Viewing duplicate screens" <Viewing duplicate
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in message
How do I view my e-mail, calendar and tasks on the same screen?

That depends on your version of Outlook which you singularly failed to

Viewing duplicate screens

It's 2003
Jan Lastocy

Gordon said:
"Viewing duplicate screens" <Viewing duplicate
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in message

That depends on your version of Outlook which you singularly failed to

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Please tell us the version of the application you are asking about,
your OS, Service Pack level
and the FULL contents of any error message(s)


"Viewing duplicate screens"
It's 2003

Then I think the only option you have is to open the calendar in a separate
window. (Right-click on Calendar). If you want email calendar and tasks in
the same window, you need 2007...

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