Viewing count

That number is quite misleading I suppose, as it includes anyone on the site at all, not just the forums. Its just the way vbulletin works and that number is over a 20 min period, so it sounds much higher than it really is if that makes sense :)

Most people get linked to an article and read that, whereas there are probably a few people that just read the forums and then go. I'm not sure why so many people sign up and don't post though, I think they just read the forums but don't have much to ask?
Makes me wonder if thats a good thing or a bad one.
Is the site giving all the answers they need? Or none at all?

It would help if the viewers would give feedback instead just disappearing.
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Some people are put off by techy things and may feel out of thier depth but others are more than willing to say "help guy's i know nothing and need help"i always find shouting for help gets the best results.