Viewing All Fields in BCM Contact

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In Outlook Contact view, there are 5 tabs, General, Details, Activity,
Certificates and All Fields, but in BCM Contact view, there are only two tabs
- General and Details. I believe that there is a Spouse field in the BCM list
but I cannot figure out how to view this field. Is there a method of viewing
the All Fields tab so that I could see the other data from fields that are
not displayed in the two tabs?

Suggestions appreciated.


I hate to be the messenger here with the bad or "negative" news but with the
BCM Business Contact Record there are no other fields beyond those displayed
within either the General or Details Tab. Specific to your question,
apparently the designers of BCM did not think it was important to keep track
of the name of the spouse of a Business Contact even though this is commonly
did within the relation building context of business networking. It is
important for you to clearly understand that you cannot currently add or
customize ANY fields on a Business Contact record like you can with a native
Outlook Contact record. Remember that these 2 programs (Outlook & BCM) are
not the same even though they share the same interface and appear to be.
They use separate databases. Outlook record items are stored either within a
pst or Exchange server and BCM is a separate added in MSDE db. Hopefully in
the next release of BCM there will be at least as many fields as the native
Outlook Contact record and also that those fields are customizable in order
to allow users to better adapt the use of BCM to their own real world needs
vs. the current "one-size-fits-all" requirement built into its design.
