When I run a show from the command line (ppview32
show.ppt) the viewer cannot find my hyperlinked word
document. When I load the show from within the viewer
interface, it works fine. Any ideas?
Remember the old DOS hassles with paths? They're still with us, Windows just
hides some of the ugliness from us.
When you start the viewer and load a presentation from within the viewer, the
viewer's probably setting the default path to that of the PPT file you just
When you open the viewer and load the presentation via the command line, it's
apparently not doing that, for whatever reasons.
What's the exact command line you're using to start the presentation?
Can you instead invoke a BAT file something like:
@echo off
rem Nothing personal, Ms. Swinford
CD C:\My Documents\Presentations\
rem or wherever your presentation and the viewer are stored
ppview32 mypresentation.ppt
rem or whatever the correct syntax is but it shouldn't require any
rem drive or path info, just the file names