I have packaged a presentation on a CD along with the PP Viewer, but I also
want to make this presentation available to those with a Mac. I see that
there is a Mac version of the viewer (PP Viewer 98 - is this new enough??)
but what I am wondering is: can I, working on a computer with Windows XP,
get the Mac version and put it on my CD? I'd just like to know whether this
is possible before I start, to avoid any frustration on my part if it isn't,
or if there are some tricks or shortcuts I should know about beforehand.
want to make this presentation available to those with a Mac. I see that
there is a Mac version of the viewer (PP Viewer 98 - is this new enough??)
but what I am wondering is: can I, working on a computer with Windows XP,
get the Mac version and put it on my CD? I'd just like to know whether this
is possible before I start, to avoid any frustration on my part if it isn't,
or if there are some tricks or shortcuts I should know about beforehand.