michael koerner
Yes all parameter are the same. Viewed both presentations
one with old viewer and one with new viewer. Also viewed
both on cd/hd. The presentation viewed on cd that was
created the old way(old viewer) plays exactly the way it
was produced on hd
The transition timing is okay it is just when i want
animations to the jpg(diamond, fading etc) But one
created with new viewer is out of sync.
thanks nola
Yes all parameter are the same. Viewed both presentations
one with old viewer and one with new viewer. Also viewed
both on cd/hd. The presentation viewed on cd that was
created the old way(old viewer) plays exactly the way it
was produced on hd
The transition timing is okay it is just when i want
animations to the jpg(diamond, fading etc) But one
created with new viewer is out of sync.
thanks nola